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Stewart is an evidential Trance Medium and also a developing physical medium, based in Portsmouth, UK.He has been developing his mental mediumship since he was 16 years old and has always wanted to fulfil his dreams to offer his mediumship abilities to others since he was a child.

What is Mental Mediumship?

Mental mediumship is the communication of spirit through a range of abilities such as clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience, as well as intuition, when sitting in the power (the energy of source/spirit), to create a channel between the medium and the sitter. The communication comes through the medium's mind which is where the term 'mental mediumship' comes from and the through meditation, the medium silences their own mind so spirit can communicate through them.

Stewart offers Mediumship Readings with Tarot Cards, whereby he uses mental mediumship to bring through loved ones and their spiritual guidance that is also coming from the spirit world. Whether or not your beliefs are in line with God (s)/ goddesses, religious, spirit or the universe, the messages delivered come from the same source and spirit helps deliver these messages to the medium (Stewart).

The message will deliver what needs to be said with love, rather than what the sitter wants to hear and in the present moment.


To really make the most out of a sitting it is best to keep an open mind, without expectations and not under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

If the medium believes the sitter to be under any influence, Stewart has the right to cancel the sitting for the wellbeing of the sitter and spirit.



What is Trance Mediumship?

Trance Mediumship is another form of 'mental mediumship' whereby the medium blends their energy with spirit in the energy of Trance, and the spirit uses the voice box (throat chakra) to communicate with the sitter.  

By sitting with himself in Trance energy and blending with his spirit guide 'White Eagle', White Eagle is able to communicate to the sitter through Stewart's voice box (throat chakra) to communicate spiritual wisdom, provide evidence of spirit/loved ones and giving answers to spiritual or material questions that are for their highest good and is of a healing nature.

On occasion, White Eagle allows the sitter's loved ones in spirit to blend with the medium to speak to them through the medium also. This usually depends on the development of the spirit and also the energy.

Mediumship is also healing as the energy of spirit is loving, warm and healing.

If you are curious to experience a reading with Stewart, or you feel drawn please feel free to request a booking below. We ask that you sit with an open mind and respect for both the medium and spirit.

Love & Light,


Spiritual Life with Stewart

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